PMP Training: Resume Session 8
15 July 2024
PMI PMP Mindset Explained in 30 Points
26 August 2024Session 9 was full of advices, summary, Tips&Tricks and notes to help the participants have everything they need to succeed in the PMP exam.
In this session, we went through the following topics:
- Exam Logistics
- PMP Summary
- PMI Mindset
- Tips&Tricks (for each of the 11 course chapters).
- Elimination Techniques
- Time Management
- Drag&Drop Questions
The purpose of the session was to equip the participants with all the mindset and techniques to find the key word or use the elimination technique in each question to be able to answer it correctly in the PMP exam.
Here are some Tips&Tricks, and the full list of Tips&Tricks for each chapter will be shared in videos on YouTube and in PDF on 23.07.2024.
PMP Exam Question Types
≈ 170 MCQ with 4 choices and 1 possible answer
≈ 5 MCQ with 5 choices and several answers to choose
≈ 5 Drag and Drop Questions
Preparation Tips
- Start with getting familiar with your prep material
- Put your knowledge to the test
- Practice 2 – 5 full-length mock exams
- Choose your studying style according to your preferences
- Less Memorizing & More Understanding
- Surround yourself with people who support you
- Visualize reaching your goal for motivation
- The night of the exam, don’t drink too much liquids and sleep early.
Taking the exam in a test center
- Visit the test center 45 minutes before exam start
- Check all of your testing center instructions
- Print out a copy of your registration e-mail
- Make sure your ID meets the requirements (passport, driver’s license, etc)
- Consider bringing a second identification document
Business Environment Tips & Tricks
- In Functional/Weak Matrix the functional manager decides. In Strong Matrix/Projectized the PM decides.
- Project success criteria must be defined at project start. Projects must align with company strategy, meet constraints and create/Deliver value.
- Business Case justifies the existance of the project.
- Project Charter authorizes the existance of the project.
- Use SWOT if the company considers a new technology project.
- In case of transition project, assess company culture/change acceptance.
Stakeholders Tips & Tricks
- Stakeholders must be involved to capture all their requirements and expectations and deliver project work correctly.
- The Sponsor assigns the PM, provides him/her with authority, supports the team and is the first escalation point in case the matter is beyond PM power/authority.
- CCB reviews and approves/rejects changes in Waterfall.
- In case of disagreement with a stakeholder, review the gap between deliverables and acceptance criteria / analyze root cause –> Take action and inform the stakeholder.
- When stakeholder not committed / skips meetings, review stakeholder engagement plan.
- In case of missing information, review communications management plan.
Project Team Tips & Tricks
- When team participate in decision-making and taking ownership of actions, it helps to improve team productivity to realize more effective and efficient results.
- If team is confused, review with them project goals, roles and responsibilities.
- Team charter contains Ground Rules and is used for Norming.
- Communication Management Plan contains which information to share with whom in which format and when (frequency).
- Avoid answers implying adding resources (leads to extra cost).
- No asking team to work overtime.
- In case of Conflict, first find root cause and use face to face communication. Discussion in private is better than in front of others.
Agile & Scrum Tips & Tricks
- Customer involvement is a source of feedback and reduces disagreements about deliverables.
- No using e-mails between SM/PO/Team, use direct communication.
- No other/urgent meetings are allowed.
- Blocking issues are reviewed during the stand-up meeting. Identify their root cause then decide action.
- No changes are allowed in the middle of the sprint.
- Unfinished work is not counted in velocity.
Waterfall & Hybrid Tips & Tricks
- Resource leveling for over-allocated resources (expanding schedule).
- Resource smoothing uses slack.
- Float for prolonging activity and slack for delaying its start.
- Schedule crashing through adding resources (increases cost) and Fast-tracking (increases risk) are schedule compression techniques during controlling phase and require change request.
- When behind schedule, always check fast-tracking first. Avoid solutions that increase cost.
- Changes go the Integrated Change Control Process and CCB.
General Tips & Tricks
- Choose specific answer rather than general answer (example business case vs SWOT).
- When question asks what should do first, several answers can be right, but must choose first in the process/or in chronological order. Mostly start with assess/evaluate/analyze/review.
- PM must always apply fully the right/complete solution, and avoid short-cuts/half-solution.
- Facing the issue is important. Avoid delegating the issue.
- Escalation (to sponsor/SteeCo) is the last resort.
- PM chooses project management methodology. No backing-off transition to Agile.
- Automatic elimination of the following answers:
- Do nothing
- Try to persuade a higher authority (sponsor, PMO, SteeCo)
- Ignore
- Passive action
- Firing/Replacing/Releasing team member
- Half solution/short-cut
- Ask team to work overtime
- Delegating solution
- Escalate*
- Irrelevant process
Tips & Tricks for Planning, Performing Work, Procurement, Quality, Risk, Performance Measurement will be shared on 23.07.2024 on YouTube Channel .
We hope that you found these Tips&Tricks beneficial and wish you success in the PMP exam.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.